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Who among you have social media accounts? How many social media platforms do you have? Have you used Facebook? Instagram? Snapshot? Whatsapp? Twitter? Viber? Messenger and the like? who can withstand in one day without checking his/her social media account? Can you deactivate or delete your social media account for good? Who can live without social media now?
Who among you have social media accounts? How many social media platforms do you have? Have you used Facebook? Instagram? Snapshot? Whatsapp? Twitter? Viber? Messenger and the like? who can withstand in one day without checking his/her social media account? Can you deactivate or delete your social media account for good? Who can live without social media now?
The advent of social media is a breakthrough in today's younger generation, social media serves as the platform to express ourselves, to hear the unheard, to see the invisible, to empower the mute and to listen to story tellers. Can you imagine what the world like without social media?
Indeed, social media proves to be significant in the society we live in. However, the ultimate challenge is - how do you utilize social media, how much good and how much bad do you use it. Are you a responsible social media user?
Have you tried using it to flirt someone you like? Have you used it to stalk your crush? Have you used it to malign your enemies or neighbors? have you used it to talk to someone badly? have you used it to spread fraud and steal someone's financial account?
What kind of social media user are you? has social media distort or change your perspective in life? or has social media affects your morality? These are some of the questions that we need to figure out how social media affects our lives.
The word "media" defines as - "the collective communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is either associated with communication media, or the specialized mass media communication businesses such as print media and the press, photography, advertising, cinema, broadcasting (radio and television), publishing and point of sale."
In short "social media" are many forms of virtual platforms use to communicate, connect or interact with several others. Although social media was formed to benefits our lives, there are subtle side effects of social media that often overlooked by the users. Social media is not just a virtual form of communications, but a very influential tool to spread malicious, lies and fake news that triggers emotions.
So much consumption of social media interfere our being, changes our personality, and even promotes certain culture. The information most often shared on the social media are those of negative and poisonous content over the good ones. Being a social media user myself, I have seen many users on social media posting inappropriate content on their accounts.
In the Philippines, among the most popular social media platform is - facebook, almost all Filipinos have facebook account. People from different ages, educational background and status in the society avail facebook and use this platform for their personal interest or whatever it may serve them. While most of the people use it to communicate and connect with their families and friends.
There are those who misused and abused it or perhaps unaware of the proper etiquette in using social media. Facebook becomes very accessible to everybody since it provides free data access to all. Facebook becomes the platform to showcase their activities or whatever they wanted to share on their friends list.
Some of my friends are posting their sentiments or personal problems that require personal solutions. Others are making facebook to air their grievances or to insinuate with someone whom they are not in accordance with. I remember one of my friends on facebook who are always posting her rants on facebook about her neighbors.
Whenever she hears something negative from her neighbors about her, she would immediately run towards facebook and retaliate with fierce and fiery shout out. Reading her post all the time about negativity really shrug me off. Until I decided to remove her from my friends list. These kind of situations should not be posted on social media as it does not really help.
In fact it will only add on to your problems as you are igniting more troubles in addition to allowing other people to know your dilemma. Believed me, not everyone in your friends list on facebook or social media are really your real friends. Others are acting as spy on you, others just wanted to know your whereabouts, your status in life and your activities.
According to the recent study, only 1 percent of our friends on Facebook are really our real friends. Mostly are just acquaintances or someone you know from your common friends. Even the person who hated or dislike you may want to add you on facebook so he/she will be updated of your daily activities.
Therefore, it is always advisable to always think twice before sharing or posting on your social media account. Sharing too much information about yourself may pose a huge threat to your security and privacy.
In fact it will only add on to your problems as you are igniting more troubles in addition to allowing other people to know your dilemma. Believed me, not everyone in your friends list on facebook or social media are really your real friends. Others are acting as spy on you, others just wanted to know your whereabouts, your status in life and your activities.
According to the recent study, only 1 percent of our friends on Facebook are really our real friends. Mostly are just acquaintances or someone you know from your common friends. Even the person who hated or dislike you may want to add you on facebook so he/she will be updated of your daily activities.
Therefore, it is always advisable to always think twice before sharing or posting on your social media account. Sharing too much information about yourself may pose a huge threat to your security and privacy.
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